Friday, February 15, 2013

The Slippery Slope, The End Begins

Dad is losing control of his body temperature.  It's swinging back and forth from cold to fever and back again.

This is an end stage signal that his body is shutting down.   So is the fact that despite large doses of steroids he is no longer interested in eating or drinking.  He's getting hard to wake up, and quickly falls back asleep.  The end is very near.  

Ed and Lanna are coming down from Maine, me and Robert are cutting back to bare bones crowd control at Da Vinci.  And we are watching and waiting for the end.  I've never watched anyone die.  I really wish it wasn't my father.  But I know that my heavenly father loves me and has a plan for all of our lives.  And I know that Dad will be resurrected to a perfect body in the next world, and will wait patiently for his wife who better stick around for many years.

To anyone checking in, my dad is Henry Davis, Ph.D.  longtime owner/operator of the Weed Doctor in central NJ.  He was a long-term Unitarian Universalist, active in the Princeton, Washington Crossing and Bethlehem Unitarian Churches and the UUMAC community.  The end is very near, but the love he is leaving behind will be long remembered.


  1. Thank you for the post, Melinda. I'm a friend from UUMAC. I love the photo of him with a smile and a box from Amazon next to the drums.

  2. I am so sad to hear of this latest news. I hope that what time is left for you with him can be some source of comfort. I also know that the loss will be hard and I shall pray for you and your family.

  3. Hi, Melinda,
    I'm a friend of your parents from UUMAC as well. It is painful to watch a parent die and my heart goes out to you. I can't even imagine what it is like to watch a spouse die. Please know that many of us will remember Henry with admiration and fondness.
